Be A Guitar Teacher – Unit 2
Be A Guitar Teacher Unit 2 focuses on the substance of teaching guitar lessons: your guitar teaching material. To be a successful guitar teacher it’s not enough to be a good guitarist, or even to know your subject well.
Having good quality prepared teaching material to give to your students, brings clarity and structure to your teaching. It brings a level of professionalism that will place you above the level of many of your rival guitar teachers in the area.
Preparing high quality teaching material provides engaging content for your students to work on. This is one of the most worthwhile investments of your time as a guitar teacher. The higher the quality teaching, the higher the likelihood of your students coming back to you for many more lessons in the future, and the more money you will make.
Unit 2 of Be A Guitar Teacher goes through the fundamental questions around how you should prepare guitar teaching material and resources for each area of study.
This unit details how to successfully teach chords, chord-based repertoire, riff-based repertoire, blues and jazz.
You will learn about different places and methods to source and develop your teaching material, as wells how to keep it organised.
Over time you will accumulate a library of high quality teaching material to give to your students during lessons. Your students will get more value from your guitar lessons and you will never be stuck for what to teach in lessons.
To be a successful guitar teacher requires good preparation. Be A Guitar Teacher shows you all you need to know.
Guitar teaching material and how to teach it.
- Why prepare guitar teaching material?
- Sourcing guitar teacher resources
- Preparing guitar teacher resources
- Filing and organising material
- Open chords
- Bar chords
- Chord-based repertoire
- Transcribing
- Riff-based repertoire
- Major blues
- Minor blues
- Jazz blues
- Blues variations
- Classical guitar
- Jazz guitar

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